Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain
The correct Shoulder pain diagnosis may reveal any number of causes for your pain. A rotator cuff injury, impact, poorly-healed injury, aging, joint degeneration, bone damage, arthritis, perhaps you have a pinched nerve in your shoulder or maybe a torn labrum. Pain relief and full healing are possible with the proper non-surgical treatment option. We treat your shoulder pain with a customized treatment program designed specifically for you. This enables you to experience maximum pain relief without rotator cuff surgery or other invasive shoulder surgery.
Shoulder injuries are helped tremendously by regenerative injections containing natural growth factors and mesenchymal stem cells. Many patients report rapid recovery without having to undergo shoulder surgery or the effects of long painful recovery periods after rotator cuff surgery.
Shoulder injuries cause varying levels of pain and often stop you from using your shoulder and arm. Arthritic inflammation in a shoulder joint can end up destroying cartilage that should cushion the bones. When the cartilage has been minimized, the result is bone on bone and that's very painful. A rotator cuff injury may stop you from lifting your arm. This may limit your participation in some of the things you love to do. Tendons in the shoulder may also become inflamed, a painful condition called tendinitis which causes pain every time you move. Stem cell therapy has a well documented effect on the body’s ability to repair all these conditions and more.
Stem cell therapy utilizes the most powerful healing cells available in modern medicine to help your body heal itself. These cells have the unique ability to grow into the exact type of cells your body needs for tissue repair. But not every source of stem cells is equally powerful. Research reveals that the older we get, the fewer stem cells we generate and the less effective the cells we have become. Therefore it is important to use only the youngest, most active stem cells available: those ethically harvested from umbilical cord tissue.
When introduced into an injured or aging shoulder, these stem cells go right to work to reduce inflammation, they also instantly promote the healing of muscle tears, ligaments, cartilage and even bone itself. Inflammation and pain normally diminish rapidly, while healing of muscle, ligament and bone continues to restore your shoulder muscles to a normal, healthy state. Stem cell treatments may even help you avoid rotator cuff surgery.
If stem cell treatments are not determined to be right for you. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, treatments might be a good option. During PRP treatment, we take a sample of your own blood and concentrate its most effective healing components—the platelets. We then inject the platelet-rich plasma into the injured area of your shoulder. These platelets are then in the right place to repair damaged cartilage, tendons or muscles.
A person recovering from a frozen or painful shoulder may also need lifestyle and nutritional counseling to reduce overall inflammation and support recovery with stretches and exercise. We find that some people need to improve their habits to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
Damaged and painful shoulders can be healed with these procedures, most often eliminating the need for pain relievers or surgery.
Call our office and talk to our staff about your shoulder problems and ask how you can receive a free consultation on our cutting edge treatment options for shoulder pain in Greenville.
Make an appointment to talk to a chiropractic doctor about chiropractic and stress.